Answer to this question it seems to be "A".
A. To irrigate the land and sell crops
To divert rivers and streams is an irrigation system used since the antiquity to irrigate crops and to extend the sowing areas, now the difficulty of water access and the low rainfall in Texas obligate them to use that system to avoid crop losses and to improve the production capacity, in consequence, to earn the most quantity of money per crop with the minimun investment and expenses.
It was an immigration legislation that was signed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1907. The act restricted increasing immigration to the U.S during World War 1
What is the name of the pestilence?- The black death.
Where did it come from? rats and other rodents
What caused it? A bacteria called Yersinia pestis
Where did it spread? Transmission of the plague to people can also occur from eating infected animals such as squirrels (for example, in the southeastern U.S.) Once someone has the plague, they can transmit it to another person via aerosol droplets.
What are the short-term effects? Famine, noone worked in fear of catching the black death or, they had already caught it and was either dead or sick.
What are the long-term effects? The long term effects of the Black Death were devastating and far reaching. Agriculture, religion, economics and even social class were affected. Contemporary accounts shed light on how medieval Britain was irreversibly changed...
In the years following the Civil War, railroads were privately owned and ... support of both major political parties and pressure groups from all regions of the country ... Labor unions formed or organizations that promoted the interests of workers ... In a monopoly, there is no competition and the seller can increase the price of ...