Carry information from the DNA to the ribosome for protein synthesis
it is entirely normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other. Many people find that the right testicle is slightly larger and the left hangs lower. A difference in size is usually nothing to worry about, though it can occasionally indicate a problem.
This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Either side may be slightly larger or hang lower. But be sure to tell a parent (who will let your doctor know) if you have any pain, swelling, or lumps in your testicles.
When a vein in a testicle becomes enlarged, it's called a varicocele. Varicoceles affect up to 15 percent of males. Like varicose veins in your legs, varicoceles may appear bulgy under the skin of your scrotum. They tend to form in the left testicle because the vein on the left side hangs lower.
the earth's tectonic plates create pressure to make the magma rise
The reason for this is that both moss and fern species are relatively primitive plants that are only Imperfectly adapted to a terrestrial environment. ferns have both roots and vascular tissue and therefore, can grow larger than moss species, but like the mosses, ferns require water for reproduction.