The phenotypic outcome will be pink. Incomplete dominance means none of the traits are dominant, therefore they will not mask each other. As a result, they will produce a new trait. In the case of the snapdragons, red + white = pink.
Genotypic wise, all of the offspring will be heterozygous.
The type of soil varies from place to place on our planet and can even vary from one place to another in your own backyard. Soil erosion, caused by wind and rain, can change land by wearing down mountains, creating valleys, making rivers appear and disappear.
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter.
D; Hardy- Weinberg requires a very large population size so that genetic drift can be insignificant.
Antibiotics killed the bacteria that cause infection but they can also kill beneficial bacteria . thus Ms ABC developed a yeast infection and diarrhea after course of antibiotics because antibiotics distrub natural balance of beneficial bacteria in her intestine.