A true because i dont think there's to many hackers that work for the police or something like that
The highest temperatures in the atmosphere occur in the. thermosphere.
A secular ruler is one that is not guided by any particular form of religion. These 3 events were part of a gradual process that resulted in rulers adopting secularism.
- <u>Peace of Augsburg:</u> Signed in 1555, made it possible for rulers of the Holy Roman Empire to choose between Protestantism or Catholicism as their choice of belief.
- <u>Edict of Nantes:</u> Signed in 1598, granted the Protestants of France rights in the nation. Before this event, Protestants of France were considered as heretics.
- <u>The Peace of Westphalia:</u> Series of peace treaties signed in 1648 that ended the Religious Wars in Europe.
The main purpose of taxes is to generate revenue for funding government programs.