The cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and to cope effectively with the demands of daily living
Intelligence is something that can actually be measured, even though it is not a physical, but a psychological trait. The humans had wanted to be able to measure their intelligence for quite some time, but that only became possible with the development of the modern psychology and the test specially created for this purpose. The intelligence represents the cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experiences, how well can it reason, as well as to cope effectively with the demands of the daily living. To put it more simple, it is the ability of an individual to acquire and apply skills and knowledge in its life.
Answer: Acetylcholine is released from the axon terminal and diffuses across the synapse to link to a receptor in the surface of the motor end plate.
Sinapsis in biology is a structure in which a neuron cell communicates with another using an electric or chemical sign.
Answer: NSF International
<span> d/ They create small currents in their microenvironment that help to circulate and clean water locally for other organisms.</span>
Contractile vacuoles are organelles that are responsible for excretion function. They perform osmoregulation which manages wastes, water and other needed materials in the cell. They are found in some prokaryoric organisms like the algae, protists, amoeba and other unicellular organisms.
So first transcription takes place which is a RNA that translates DNA Template. So an example would be DNA has AGCGTCAATCTA this will be translated into UCGCAGUUAGAU
Then this message is send off to become a protein with the MRNA which then comes Translation which is the process of converting UCGCAGUUAGAU into a protein and the way it’s done is by this message going through a ribosome and gets translated by TRNA that brings amino acids together to form codons and create your protein.