Answer: Live preview
The live preview feature enables to display the current slide with the design theme formatting applied with the mouse pointer. This feature is also available in digital cameras where the screen can be used as viewfinder.
B) Database Software
Desktop Publishing software and Multimedia software is not used for storing data, so it can't be that. Spreadsheet software stores data in cells, while Database software stores data in tables.
convince the software company of the issue
Answer: c. Interests
A person's interests are things that they love to do because they find those things to be enjoyable for example, gaming, writing or travelling.
To find out what careers a person would find enjoyable therefore, the interests can be looked at because if the person enjoy doing those things without it even being a job then they would probably enjoy those things in a career setting as well. For instance a person who enjoys writing would probably find a career in jornalism to be enjoyable.