The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, also collectively known as the Civil War Amendments were designed to ensure equality for recently emancipated slaves. The 13th Amendment banned slavery and all involuntary servitude, except in the case of punishment for a crime.
The 14th Amendment guaranteed African Americans citizenship rights and promised that the federal government would enforce equal protection of the laws.
The 15th Amendment stated that no one could be denied the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude.
orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Voduns and inkices are spirit gods, essentially the same as orixas. Candomblé is a synthesis of three African religions, Yoruba, Fon and Bantu, and voduns and inkices are the names preferred by the other two sects.
The United States emerged from the war as a world military and industrial leader. Unlike the war-torn cities of Europe the homes and industries of the nation were relatively unscathed by the Great War. The late entry of the US meant that fewer men had lost their lives than in Europe