Use Mitosis to divide and create daughter cells.
Single-celled organisms use mitosis to reproduce. Both growth and reproduction in unicellular organisms are mutually inclusive. When the cell’s volume grows, the ratio of surface area to volume decreases creating challenges in acquisition of nutrients because there will be too much cytoplasm for a given amount of nuclear material , thus the cell divides by mitosis to reproduce daughter cells and the process begins again.
A: Interphase = DNA replication, cells spend most of their time in interphase
B: Prophase = Chromatin condenses and becomes visible
C: <u>M</u>etaphase = Chromosomes line up in the <u>m</u>iddle
D: <u>A</u>naphase = Sister chromatids are being pulled <u>a</u>way
E: Telophase = Cleavage furrow forms
Description:How an X-ray diffraction pattern is created and how the DNA X-ray diffraction pattern can be interpreted to give the dimensions. (DNAi location: Code > Finding the Structure > piece of the puzzle > Franklin's X-ray)Transcript:This is the X-ray crystallograph pattern of DNA obtained by Rosalind Franklin and Raymond Gosling in 1952. It is know as the B-form. It was clearer than the other X-ray patterns because water was included in the DNA sample. Both James Watson and Francis Crick were struck by the simplicity and symmetry of this pattern. The distinctive "X" in this X-ray photo is the telltale pattern of a helix. Because the X-ray pattern is so regular, the dimensions of the helix must also be consistent. For example, the diameter of the helix stays the same..........Keywords:x ray diffraction,x ray crystallography,rosalind franklin dna,diffraction pattern,ray pattern,s college
10)La evaporación es el principal proceso mediante el cual, el agua cambia de estado líquido a gaseoso. La evaporación es el proceso por la cual el agua líquida de los océanos ingresa a la atmósfera, en forma de vapor, regresando al ciclo del agua.