Fractions are equivalent if their simplest forms are the same. So, to make equivalent fractions, all you have to do is multiply the top number (the numerator) and the bottom number (the denominator) by the same number—and it can be any number, as long as you use the same one for both the top and bottom.
Step-by-step explanation:
Fractions are equivalent if their simplest forms are the same. So, to make equivalent fractions, all you have to do is multiply the top number (the numerator) and the bottom number (the denominator) by the same number—and it can be any number, as long as you use the same one for both the top and bottom.
It’s equals to 1/3 or 0.3 if you want simplified
1. A 2.d 3.b 4.a 5. c
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Option B is the correct answer
Step-by-step explanation:
The measure of a television is always indicated by providing the length of the diagonal, in inches.
In fact, the actual length and height of a 32" tv are:
- Length:
L = 27.9 inches
- Height:
h = 15.7 inches
For an object with a rectangular shape, such as the TV, the diagonal of the object can be found by using Pythagorean's theorem:
L is the length of the rectangle
h is the height of the rectangle
Substituting the values above, we find:
Which corresponds to the diagonal of the TV.