True | <span>Good digital citizenship includes keeping in mind who has access to the internet and who does not, as there are situations in which people or business assume there is always an internet connection but it is not always like that. Forr example, in a contact card it could be useful to include a phone number, as someone may not having access to mail.
Google Glasses® | <span>Google Glasses® was a technology developed by Google, which included the portability of the Google technology on a glass lens. However, the project failed, and the glasses have not made the huge breakout expected. There is a new version in elaboration now that seems to be more promising. </span>
Program for measurement in meters and then converts it into miles, feet, and inches:
void main()
{ float meter, mile, feet, inches;
cout<<"enter meters";
mile= meter×0.000621371;
inches= meter×39.3701;
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in feet is"<<feet<<"feet":
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in mile is"<<mile<<"mile";
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in inches is"<<inches<<"inches";
then you???
i think you're forgetting something (like you're pfp)
live refers to happening right now and footage refers to videos taken and captured.