What she did wrong was step on the lower cupboard to get the bowl. what she should have done instead is find something sturdy like a step stool to get the bowl.
Lidocaine is the anesthetic drug that are used for the numb tissue of the specific area. Nerve can be blocked by using this drug. The drug can affect the humans, dogs as well as other animals.
Lidocaine can cause toxicity in dogs. The most common effect of this drug in dogs is the muscle tremors. This drug decrease the systolic blood pressure of dogs. Respiratory distress may also occur in dogs due to high toxicity level of the drug. The drug also effects the central nervous system and gastro intestinal tract of dog.
a. patient pays 2,100
b. $2,400
A patient with a high-deductible consumer-driven health plan has met half of the $1,000 annual deductible before requiring surgery to repair a broken ankle while visiting a neighboring state. The out-of-network physician's bill is $4,500. The PPO that takes ffect after the deductible has been met is an 80-20 in-network plan and a 60-40 out-of-network plan. How much does the patient owe? How much should the PPO be billed?
if the patient has payed half of the annual deductible $1000
which is $500
. 4,500-500=$4000
The plan will pay 60% out of network amount of 4000 which is 2,400. (4,000 x 60%=2,400)
40% out of network will be payed by the patient
40%*4000= 1600
the patient will pay 500 (remainder of deductible) plus 1,600 which is the 40% of the bill after deductible is meet. So, patient pays 2,100 of the bill.