Roll a small ball of clay about the size of a clementine orange.
HOW TO MAKE A CLAY PINCH POT – Form, Texture - Step Two
Step Two
Hold the ball in one hand.
Slowly push your thumb into the centre of the clay.
HOW TO MAKE A CLAY PINCH POT – Form, Texture - Step Three
Step Three
Gently pinch the clay between your thumb on the inside, and your fingers on the outside while slowly turning the ball of clay in your hand.
HOW TO MAKE A CLAY PINCH POT – Form, Texture - Step Four
Step Four
Apply even pressure as you turn the clay.
Check to see that the clay is the same thickness on the walls and rim of the pot.
HOW TO MAKE A CLAY PINCH POT – Form, Texture - Step Five
Step Five
Gently tap the pot on the table to make a flat base.
HOW TO MAKE A CLAY PINCH POT – Form, Texture - Step Six
Step Six
The love between love and water ig
Many stories say that Warhol's choice to paint soup cans reflected on his own devotion to Campbell's soup as a customer. Robert Indiana once said, “I knew Andy very well. The reason he painted soup cans is that he liked soup.” Warhol was thought to have focused on them because they composed a daily dietary staple.
The Romans adopted the Greek's use of realistic features when making human art. Both Greek and Roman human art could be very unforgiving, meaning that every blemish on a human's face was included in a Roman sculpture or painting.