Reverse faults are exactly the opposite of normal faults. If the hanging wall rises relative to the footwall you have a reverse fault. Reverse faults occur in areas undergoing compression. If you imagine undoing the motion of a reverse fault, you will undo the compression and thus lengthen the horizontal distance between two points on either side of the fault.
if you stood on the fault plane the block on the right would be under your feet. this is thus the footwall. The tan sandstone has been pushed up and over itself. This offset of the hanging wall indicates that this is a reverse fault.
1: The mRNA would not be sythensised
RNA polymerase - used in transcription to initiate replication of mRNA.
If mutated then it will result to no mRNA synthesied????
The correct answer would be efferent neurons.
Efferent neurons are the motor neurons which communicate information in the opposite direction as compared to the afferent neurons, that is, they communicate information or response impulses from the brain or central nervous system to the muscles or glands.
The response impulses results in the movement of the muscles or activation/deactivation of certain gland
In contrast, afferent neurons are the sensory neurons which carry impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system.
d.) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)