a. During orientations, university staff should be very clear about the importance of academic integrity (Bennett, 2005).
Only option A correctly paraphrases the original sentence without plagiarizing.
Option B is too similar to the original, almost a quotation, so it´s not considered as paraphrasing. Option C is a direct quotation and is missing the quotation marks as well as the author and date. Option D is also a direct quotation and is missing the quotation marks as well as the page number.
Following the author–date citation system in APA Style, every in-text citation should state the author name(s) as well as the year of publication matching the year in the reference list entry. However, only direct quotations should include the page number.
Answer:Africa as a region has lots of large dams where mosquitoes breed.
Pregnant women are more suspectible to malaria in pregnancy than non pregnant women because in a pregnant woman immune system is usually suppressed.Her immune system usually does the fight back the malaria parasite .
This can be prevented by using mosquitoes nets as coverings to avoid being bitten by the parasites.
Also ,pregnant women should be encouraged to use malaria repellant cream,this cream scares mosquitoes away .
Based on the scenario above, it can be inferred that Tyra is
experiencing referential thinking. This is a tendency in which an individual
has a view of something that is not even harmful to have a meaning even if it
is not true and that the individual exhibits a disorder or associated with a
type of trait.
The answer is that adjusting to the end of the commodity boom, which benefited South America particularly, has taken longer than expected. Between 2003 and 2010 China’s industrialisation boosted demand for minerals, oil and foodstuffs. Commodity prices fell steadily between 2010 and 2015. As export revenue shrank, the region’s currencies weakened, curbing imports and pushing up inflation.
Latin America also faces a fiscal squeeze. The commodity boom temporarily boosted tax revenues. Too many governments spent, rather than invested or saved, this windfall. The primary fiscal deficit (ie, before interest payments) in the region as a whole increased from 0.2% of GDP in 2013 to 2.6% last year. In other words, public debt is rising. Many governments have started to retrench. Few are in a position to prime the pump of recovery.