To express percentages in decimal form, you start with the decimal on the right side of the percentage, then you bring the decimal two places to the left. So for example, for 5% it it 5.. when you bring the decimal two places to the left it becomes .05
We start with $371.93 then we multiply each percentage successively to this number
we work backwards
so we start with 5%
$371.93= .95 x X
Then we take X and do the same process for 10%
$391.51= .90 x Y
Y = $435.01
again we take Y and do the same process for 25%
$435.01= .75 x Z
Z = $580.01
so the original price is $580.01
to find the total percent discount you take the total discounted price ($371.93) divided by the original price ($580.01) then you have 1 subtracted by the number. Finally, you multiply the number by 100 to change it to a percentage
so it's $371.93/$580.01 which = .64125
1 - 64125 = .35875 x 100= 35.88%
so your total percent discount is 35.88%
Hope this helps
Assuming O=o
group then add like terms
Answer: 3 and -5
Step-by-step explanation:
45, 33, 22, 12,
differences =
45-33 = 12
pattern = decreases by one so
12- 9 = 3
3- 8 = -5
Step-by-step explanation:
25% is 1/4 of 100%
thus, if you multiply 24x4 you get 100%