I am not 100% shure but i am preety sure it was the amount of negros that the congress did not want to be apart of the help of the war
Working as a concierge at Hotel des Mille Collins In Kigali, hid and protected 1,268 Hutu and Tutsi refugees from the militia during the Rwandan Genocide.None of those refuges were hurt or killed during the attacks.
Apart of thier exploriation to trade routes to the indians for spices.finding gold and new lands for colonization to further to grow thier empires
They actually played a pretty important role in early civilizations. For one, building a major urban civilization takes a lot of work. Slaves could be used for building projects to enlarge the city and its defenses, for agricultural labor to ensure that the people of the city could eat, or as domestic assistants to kings, lords, and shop-owners.
Custodial interrogation refers to questioning conducted by officers of the court or law while you are in their custody. While such interrogation most commonly takes place at police stations or holding areas, custodial interrogation can occur at any time when a person's freedom is limited while he is being questioned.