A. an in-depth study of what moviegoers liked and disliked about a new theater
Focused interviews, also known as semi structured interviews, are a research tool used to get qualitative in-depth information from a small sample of respondents. The main advantage of this tool is that when applied by a trained interviewer, it allows the researcher to gather in-depth explanations and points of view from the respondents. The goal with these is not to make generalizations to a wider population, but to understand the respondent's points of view on a particular subject. Since it requires more time and resources to set a focused interview than to give out surveys, samples can't be too large, making this tools ineffective for statewide or nationwide studies. Instead, asking moviegoers about what they like and didn't like from the theater is ideal for these kind of studies, as the samples can be small and you will not only find what they liked or disliked but also why.
There are 6 (six) time zones in the U.S.A.
D. three-quarters
A. is not the right answer. It is too low.
B. is not the right answer. France is provided with more nuclear power.
C. is not the correct answer. This percent is too much.
<u> D. is the right answer. A total of 75% of France’s electrical power is provided by nuclear power, meaning three-quarters of the country. </u><u>France is one of the world’s biggest consumers of electricity,</u> which is why they set the goal to lower the consumption of nuclear energy by a quarter in the next 35 years.
C” has remained the same for over fifty years