Cherise's topic and format are both acceptable, because they carefully follow the prompt.
Cherise decides that she is going to write a narrative essay that describes how her experience trying out for the cheerleading squad has helped her overcome her shyness and be comfortable in front of an audience.
As a response to Cherise's prompt, she is given a writing prompt in class which asks her to write a personal narrative essay that describes a significant experience at school that shaped her identity.
The statement that best describes Cherise's response to the prompt would be that Cherise's topic and format are both acceptable, because they carefully follow the prompt.
Foi uma nova arte.
Em seu manifesto O Nascimento da Sexta Arte, publicado em 1911, o teórico do cinema italiano Ricciotto Canudo argumentou que o cinema era uma nova arte, "uma conciliação soberba dos Ritmos do Espaço (os Artes Plásticos) e dos Ritmos do Tempo (Música e Poesia). ", uma síntese das cinco artes antigas: arquitetura, escultura, pintura, música e poesia (cf. Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics).
Canudo mais tarde acrescentou a dança como um sexto precursor, uma terceira arte rítmica com música e poesia, tornando o cinema a sétima arte. Em Paris, fundou uma revista de vanguarda La Gazette des sept arts em 1920, e um clube de cinema, o CASA (Club des amis du septième art), em 1921. Seu ensaio mais conhecido Réflexions sur le septième art ("Reflexões sobre a sétima arte ") foi publicada em 1923 após vários rascunhos anteriores, todos publicados na Itália ou na França.
Answer:I don’t even know
The answer wait for someone else lol
1. In the late 1940s C. Use of backbeat <span>occurred during the transformation of rhythm and blues into rock and roll. Using a beackbeat is based on making accent on 2-nd and 4-th beats in 4/4 rhythm. But the main change during the transformation r'n'b into rock'n'roll was that R'n'B became faster and more dynamic.
2. I think this is the answer: A. it decreased the popularity of rock music by African Americans. White rock'n'roll became popular because of Elvis Presley and Beach Boys. Elvis had very extraordinary appearance and style. His music was a bridge between classical blues, country and rock'n'roll, and his music was really popular among both young and old Americans.
3. I am definitely sure that A. rockabilly music was characterized by hiccupping gulping and stuttering vocals, slapping bass, and using a rhythmic guitar style, and was a combination of rock with country and western music. As I mentioned before Elvis' music was a bridge between country and rock'n'roll, so he was one of the pioneers of rockabilly music. I'd not call him the father of rockabilly, but he was one of the first and his music is a good example of this style.
4. If my memory serves me well this is the correct order: C. rockabilly, Motown, heavy metal, glam. Rockabilly - 1950's; Motown - 1960's; Heavy Metal - 1970's; Glam - end of 70's - 1980's
5. In my view this statement best describes a development in rock and roll music during the 1980's: </span><span>A. The second British invasion occurs. The first bands which have taken the stage were Def Leppard, Motley Crue and so on. Second British invasion refers to the music that became popular in the US in 1980's.
6. It's obvious, that B. The Beatles was the first to take America by storm, paving the way for other British groups. They were the leaders of the First British invasion that started in 1960's. It's still the one of the most popular bands of all time.