To find the rhyming scheme, we consider the last words in the sentence.
So in this paragraph it is breed, need, move, love. Here 'breed' and 'need' rhyme and 'move' and 'love rhyme, so the marking scheme is
I didn't understand the first part of the question, could you elaborate more
The philosophy of the chinese owning the power of medecin without researching would be extremely helpful because it would cure people from illnesses and greatly reduce the amount of death each day.
The worst one is that the chinese are martial arts fighters which could bring death higher in times of war or corruption because like germany in ww1 this could become greed for control of the countries surrounding it.
The best to learn in the classroom is the history of the ancient chinese millenials because we could learn so much valuable information from them and their backgrounds.
Please update and Apply the sentences that are given so I can answer ;)