It will take 15 years for Della to be in the same risk of
non-smoking persons in risk of cardiovascular disease. As you quit smoking, the
lungs will start to purify itself, but it will take some time. On the other
hand, it cannot be assured that the lungs may be totally restored, more or less
it would just be clean over a period of time.
Animals need more food when it’s cold because the cold is very cold and it can be racist so that’s why animals need more food when it’s cold
Literacy :)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Answer: Bacteria can live in hotter and colder temperatures than humans, but they do best in a warm, moist, protein-rich environment that is pH neutral or slightly acidic. There are exceptions, however. Some bacteria thrive in extreme heat or cold, while others can survive under highly acidic or extremely salty conditions.