Cells make up tissue and tissue makes up all living creatures
A divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. Divergent boundaries within continents initially produce rifts, which eventually become rift valleys. Most active divergent plate boundaries occur between oceanic plates and exist as mid-oceanic ridges.[1][2] Divergent boundaries also form volcanic islands, which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps that molten lava rises to fill.
Answer: I agree with Dr. Walker and his colleagues that the changes to Jordan Jones’s meal could not explain his improved performance.
Explanation: I agree with Dr. Walker and his colleagues that the changes to Jordan Jones’s meal could not explain his improved performance because, food can´t change anything except for your hungriness, and the more food you eat the more fat you get, and not slim.
She should conduct an expirement that proves whether the water changes the white flower or not