Deer Creek is an important site because it provides evidence that trades occurred between a French in the Wichita in Oklahoma territory hundreds of years ago. archaeologist found Buffalo remains and scraping tools in the middens of trash heaps all the site as well as European manufacturer items such as beads,kettles,metal tools and gun parts based on these artifacts archaeologists believe that the site was used for meat processing.
Totalitarianism is a political ideology that seeks total control of all aspects of life by a powerful state.
The origins of totalitarianism can be traced back to 1920s Italy, when Benito Mussolini rose to power and adopted an ideology named "Fascism". Fascism sought total state control in order to advance a particular view for Italy.
Stalin's Soviet Union was a totalitarian communist state because he had control over every aspect of life. The economy was planned, the media was censored, and people could not criticize the state.
Hitler's Germany was a totalitarian state because nazism also sought total state control in order to further Hitler's goals for Germany: territorial expansion, and the extermination of minorities (jews, roma, slavs, homosexuals, the disabled, etc).
Japan was also a totalitarian state until its defeat in the second world war. The Emperor was all powerful, and had total control over national life, and Japan's policy during the era was to colonize most of East Asia in order to expand Japanese influence.
it would be c because Lewis was a chairman for that organization.
b. rejected the concept that the federal government would protect the rights of all Americans.
The compromise struck by Hayes´ Republicans and Southern Democrats led to the the Republican agreement to withdraw all remaining troops from the South, consolidating the Democratic control there. Democratic promises to respect the rights of African Americans were not observed. The legal and political situation of black people worsened in southern states following the Compromise of 1877. It marked the end of the Reconstruction Era.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition