Follow these steps.
1. Make sure that your pc is on.
2. Press your Window key - on your bottom left of your keyboard you will see a window key.
3. After pressing it will show a tab on your bottom left of your monitor.
4. On that tab you will see an (All Programs) text.
5. Click it and it will show all programs available on your pc.
b. an e-mail
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the best electronic communication tool in this scenario would be an e-mail. Using e-mails you would be able to send detailed communication messages to all of the individuals that need to read that message in one e-mail. Thus allowing for fast and clear communication between all relevant parties. Both podcasts and Wiki's are used for providing information to clients, or the target audience but not for sharing info within the company.
I believe malware fraud, c.
See explaination
Here are the steps taken to draw the diagram!
opcode0 and the opcode1 signals are inverted/not to determine the case whether it is 00, 01, 10, 11.
Then they are 'and'ed with the corresponding Zero/lt signal to confirm if the case is true, for eg. zero = 1 if opcode = 00 (beq).
Then all the cases are 'or'ed to get the Branch signal!
See attachment for the diagram
<span>The taskbar appears at the bottom of the windows desktop. It is used to launch and manage programs.
</span>The taskbar is part of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) . The most common uses of the taskbar is to<span> to locate and launch programs through the Start button, to view any program that is currently open, check the date an time.</span>