A good product should have copyright protection which prevents others from using the product without permission.
Some products specify the penalties which are given to a person who makes unauthorized copies of their product and this is done to clearly educate to avoid ignorance claims.
A good product should have clear lettering which are legible and can be easily read, and should also have reasonable copyright protection.
<h3>What is Copyright?</h3>
This refers to the licensing which is done for a product and is also legally backed which prevents a person from illegally using or redistributing the work of a creator without their explicit consent.
Read more about copyright infringement here:
Code is in the attached screenshot.
Assumed it was written in Java based on your other question asked.
Answer: is an IP address located in Santos, Sao Paulo.
Creating a Chat Server Using Java
Introduction: Creating a Chat Server Using Java. ...
Step 1: Setup a ServerSocket in the Server Class. ...
Step 2: Create a Socket in the Login Class. ...
Step 3: Create a Loop to Continuously Accept Clients. ...
Step 4: Create the Client Threads. ...
Step 5: Create the Server Thread. ...
Step 6: Make the Client Thread Send and Receive Data.
Computer Network, surely!
"Network" implies combination of all these computers!