The answers are the following:
"For once, at least, I grasped the mental operations of the Morlocks. Suppressing a strong inclination to laugh, I stepped through the bronze frame and up to the Time Machine;"
" I was surprised to find it had been carefully oiled and cleaned. I have suspected since that the Morlocks had even partially taken it to pieces while trying in their dim way to grasp its purpose "
The mood changes from this outrageous romantic story because of how much they loved eachother, and how they risked faking their deaths for one another. Then it finally lead the mood into a tragedy due to their actual deaths, and how broken and connected everyone became in the end.
in a way it's dum but it also help them prodict future viruses like them could have predicted the Corona but they was to lazy to identify it.
I think the answer is Special Power of Attorney, it is an authority given to another person of the accountable person (principal) to act on behalf his absence for a transaction. At times this happens when a someone gets too busy of attending to every task.