Poisning by 2-deoxyglucose syops the glycolysis process which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms. Due to property of inhibiting the enzyme reqquired for glycolysis, glucokinase. So, there is no ATP production takes place.
C. axon
Explanation: Hope it helps you:)))))))
Have a good day
In my opinion, self control is like trying to controll the urge to get whatever your heart desires.Amygdala is a part of the brain that is related to controlling emotions.
The 4 events that occur during amoeba are:-
- It sees the food particle.Then by pseudopodia (the finger like projections from amoeba) traps the food particle.
- The finger-like extensions of the cell surface fuse over the food particle forming a food vacuole.
- Inside the food vacuole, complex foods are broken down into simpler ones which then diffuse into the cytoplasm.
- The remaining undigested material is moved to the surface of the cell and thrown out. [Egestion].
Answer: The correct answer to the question is option C
The client has a degenerative form of disease that is evidenced by osteoarthritis.
Explanation: Osteoporosis is otherwise known as degenerative joint disease.
In a healthy joint,a protective cartilage cushions the end of bones(articulating bones) and as well acting as a shock absorber.
In osteoarthritis,these cartilage that acts as a cushion to the bones wears down down or generates with time exposing the joint and the bones predisposing them to mild to moderate friction that occurs as a result of mobility of the bones/joint.
Osteoarthritis mostly affect joints of the hips, hands,spine and knees.
Some of the common symptoms of Osteoarthritis are;pain in the joints of the hands,knees,hips,lower back and neck with crackles,stiffness and tenderness of the joints which often results to difficulty in walking and deformity of the joint if left untreated.