I believe it would be milestones
i would say it would be true but i dont know.
The correct answer is law and society studies, while in other countries it is known as socio-legal studies.
In the U.S., the study of the law is known as law and society studies, while in Europe, the study of the law is known as socio-legal studies. The Law is a body of regulations, which is created and maintained by social or governmental bodies to maintain behavior in the system or countries.
Explanation: Islam
main holy book=quran
Profession of Faith (shahada). The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" is central to Islam. ...
Prayer (salat). ...
Alms (zakat). ...
Fasting (sawm). ...
Pilgrimage (hajj).
founder=Jewish history is the history of the Jews, and their nation, religion and culture, as it developed and interacted with other peoples, religions and cultures.
Holy book=Torah
main beliefs=The most important teaching and tenet of Judaism is that there is one God, incorporeal and eternal, who wants all people to do what is just and merciful. All people are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
founder=jesus christ
main holy book=bible
main beliefs=Followers of the Christian religion base their beliefs on the life, teachings and death of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in one God that created heaven, earth and the universe. The belief in one God originated with the Jewish religion. Christians believe Jesus is the “Messiah” or savior of the world.
There were a few causes that led to the American declaration of war against the British in 1812. At this time Britain was at war with France and attempted to cut off trade between the US and France. Additionally at sea the British were impressing US seamen or forcing them to become part of the British Royal Navy. Another cause of the war was that the British were helping to arm Native Americans to prevent American expansion westward. As a result of these forces the U.S. eventually went to war with Great Britain.