How did WHAT impact Europe's position in world affairs ?
Russian society is a bit more mature I guess or formal and they take care of many things such as friendship, and when they meet someone new they believe they are a stranger and do not feel safe. On the other hand in the Us society it is very happy and joyful where you have usual discussions, debates, conversations with friends, family and random people some times so that is what the difference is between the two.
The scientific revolution brought us a renewed understanding of humanity and our place in the universe, new scientific equiptment, and new laws as a basis for future scientific discovery.
I don't really get the first part but heres 2nd part.
2. nueve IV + V = IX
3. dos VIII - VI = II
4. diez III + VII = X
5. cuatro VI - II = IV
6. ocho IX - I = VIII
7. seis II × III = VI
8. sinco X ÷ II = V
others said he was worn out by the