i believe its B but i might be mistaken.
Heart Blood vessels. (Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins)
For the answer to the question above, I believe that the demographics are exhibiting and prioritizing the stores who have a more traffic and they exhibit more loyalty after the store was visited.
Customers like us are more likely to buy which a physical store can be visited.
Vascular Tissues
Angiosperms higher flowering plants it is most diverse group in a plant kingdom nearly 300,000 species of flowering plants are found under this kingdom.The angiosperms have specialised cells and tissues that carry out their metabolic functions and evolved vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) that translocate the water and nutrient to all parts of the plant. They are terrestrial, root system absorbs water and mineral from the soil. the shoot system supports and leaves involved in the process of photosynthesis