C. Logos
Gandhi was appealing to the logic in this sentence, for that reason, we can confirm that the rhetorical appeal that he used was the logos.
Logos means word, speech or reason. It is the use of reason and reasoning, whether inductive or deductive, to construct an argument. In persuasion, logos is the logical reasoning behind the speaker's statements. Logos refers to any attempt to appeal to the intellect, to logical arguments.
1: Subordinate
2: Subordinate
3: Main
4: Subordinate
5: Main
6: Subordinate
7: Main (I believe)
8: Main
9: Subordinate
10: Subordinate
The subordinate clauses cannot stand on their own: they leave a hanging question. The majority of them also start with a coordinating conjunction, and that's a common thing in subordinate clauses. The main clauses can stand by themselves, as it can be seen as a whole sentence.
There is no alliteration present in this
Which of the following? Besides I think that a humor used to make a serious point would be using sarcasm♂️