Captiain of industry
always look twards the bright side/good side
Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives. The possibilities are endless. ... It is an important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.
Answer: It was intended to protect American citizens who were in danger in the Cuban Revolution.
The USS Maine is known for having been lost in Habana Harbour on February 15, 1898. The ship was originally sent to the island in order to protect U. S. interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain. The ship blew up and sank, killing nearly three quarters of its crew. Although the cause of the sinking is unclear, popular opinion blamed Spain. This motivated the Spanish-American War later that year.
A. reserves were established for black groups
The long-term impact of Martin Luther's break from the Catholic Church was the division of Christianity into many factions and groups. We see many Protestant churches today as a result of his "revolution."
Luther had not intended to break away from the Roman Catholic Church; he wanted to reform it and restore it to what he saw as a proper foundation on the Bible. But Rome did not agree with him, and ultimately a new church, the Lutheran Church, formed. There also were other Protestant reformers, and other new churches developed from their teachings and influence.
Another point might be made: Luther emphasized the individual's freedom of conscience to believe what he thought the Word of God was saying. Though Luther did not intend it as a political movement, this began thoughts in the direction of freedom of speech and conscience in social life. The historian Philip Schaff has said that the Reformation "marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times. Starting from religion, it gave, directly or indirectly, a mighty impulse to every forward movement, and made Protestantism the chief propelling force in the history of modern civilization."
For more details on Schaff's point, read more on -