ANOVA is a technique that permits the comparison of the equality of means for multiple populations. Thus, 3 means could be compa
red and a determination of whether or not one of the means is significantly different from others can be made. This technique is extremely useful, but, as is always the case, the application requires a firm understanding of models assumptions. Consider the following scenario. A meticulously determined random sample of 200 observations is taken from a very large population. This data divides into 4 groups or factor levels, and a numerical measure for each observation is recorded. The population distribution of the measure appears to be slightly skewed positive. The 4 groups have the following number of observations 30, 100, 15 and 55. Which of the following statements leads to the greatest concern in using ANOVA as an analytical technique. a. Unequal sample sizes among groups can seriously affect the power of the test.
b. Slightly skewed positive distribution of population measures seriously affect the power of the test.
c. In this scenario, I should be concerned about whether the data has been gathered in a biased fashion.
d. Four is not a sufficient number of groups into which to divide the data.
c. In this scenario, I should be concerned about whether the data has been gathered in a biased fashion.
ANOVA is a statistical method which separates observed variance data into different components to use. One way ANOVA is used for three or more groups of data. The greatest concern in ANOVA is that the data gathered should not be biased.
When have the intentions to analyze the sea floor an try to measure the difference of materials present on the seafloor we woulds see or analyze that if we are moving away from the land outwards into the deep down ocean then we would see the sequence of the in the following way continental shelf - continental slope - abyssal plain.