When a nerve impulse reaches the end of an axon, the axon terminal released ACh into the synaptic cleft. 2. ACh diffuses across the cleft and attaches to the ACh receptors on the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber. 3. ACh binding triggers electrical events that ultimately generate an action potential.
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Streptobacilli are linked together in chains, the bacterium is gram positive and the generally rod-shape. The genus could be aerobic ( required oxygen for their growth), falcultative anaerobe (in the absence of oxygen, they can switch to fermentation).
Since air is a poor conductor, most energy transfer by conduction occurs right near Earth's surface. Conduction directly affects air temperature only a few centimeters into the atmosphere. During the day, sunlight heats the ground, which in turn heats the air directly above it via conduction.
hope it helps
I think yes, humans are an invasive species.
I think humans are an invasive species because they are everywhere, and very few places in the world do not have humans. Humans are in control of the planet because of their number. Humans are not going to be extinct ever. They are always going to be here on earth. If somebody finds new land, they make a base/camp and send other people to live there and to populate it. Like in North america, settlers came and sent men to live there. They hunted animals and set up homes. Then, more and more people came and soon all that is left is a over populated land with citys and cars and humans everywhere.
I hope this helps. :)