Answer: Martin Luther king's goal for these marches was to get the people of Birmingham to feel the pain that they felt this is why he used figurative language to channel their pain into understandable points in time such as the natzis
I think it’s a person’s citizenship status but i might be wrong
What A basically says is that the British allowed African American people to vote, since they where a minority and would never be too influential in elections.
Hope it helped
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
Christianity was was the only religion recognized in The Middle Ages. It dominated the the lives of both the peasants and the nobles. The Christianity that was spread across Europe during the middle ages was based on the scriptures that recounted the life of the Christ and his disciples The priests were part of life during the Middle Ages. They were people to trust enough to tell them the secrets and the private matters .They were exempt from tax because they provided spiritual care and conducted religious services to their parishioners. The opinion was that that Middle ages Christians was that the confessions were to be done to the priests.. I was that individual were to confess who were the Middle Age Christians had to confess sins committed have them absolved by God through the administration of a Priest
Answer:Immigration isn’t exactly a new occurrence in the United States. Still, despite a rich history of welcoming strangers into the country, it seems that the voices of critics calling for stricter immigration policy only get louder and fears over the negative economic impact immigrants might have continue to grow. It’s worth asking, in a country where nearly everyone’s ancestral line includes an immigration story, how things got that way.