Do good unto the world and the world will do good unto you. This can be supported because of the fact that although Kelly originally showed a character flaw by not listening to her sister's poem, she was able to redeem herself when she declined Leah's offer of cheating, remembered her little sister's coat, and prayed for forgiveness. The story leads you to believe these are the reason's why Evie is found quickly and unharmed.
suggest that the author of "The
Making of a Mountain" does not
Mount Rushmore is a monument that
many people go to visit
Native people feel differently about
Mount Rushmore than most visitors do
Native people call Mount Rushmore by
a different name than most visitors do
Mount Rushmore is part of a large
national park in South Dakota
The battle of Saratoga was important for several reasons. First, it was a major victory for the Americans as they captured a large number of British soldiers. Second, it was a morale boost to the Americans who had been losing most of the Battles against the British. Third, it stopped the British army from meeting up with more British forces which were headed to Philadelphia in order to capture the city. Most importantly however, the battle gave the King of France confidence in the ability of the Continental Army, resulting in French military aid to the colonies.
The second one, Marcus said, "It's not the end of the world. You should be happy for me."