This is because the key in relationships['jimmy'] is wrong. The first letter "j" should be uppercase. The key in the given dictionary is "Jimmy" and therefore a lowercase "j" will result in a KeyError exception. The key is case sensitive and therefore a minor mistake in a single letter either in lowercase or uppercase will cause the error. The correct usage of key to address the value should be relationships["Jimmy"].
Previous decisions were flawed
An algorithm depends entirely on the data input into the system in the decision making process.
As such, when there are conclusions in the data set used by the algorithm for decision making which are distorted, such as the association of less individuals that drink and drive in the rich cities than can be found in poorer communities due to the presence of less bars uptown and as such drivers from uptown areas are given preference may include a bias that is due to conclusion on which the previous decisions were made and used in the algorithm which may have been flawed or need more detailed analysis
The primary function of a " Domain name server (DNS" is to translate the URL or web address a user enters in a web browser, into the correct corresponding IP address.