They could use a CRM
A CRM tool lets you store customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues, and manage marketing campaigns, all in one central location — and make information about every customer interaction available to anyone at your company who might need it.
They Could Use PDC
The term “primary data” refers to data you collect yourself, rather than data you gather after another party initially recorded it. Primary data is information obtained directly from the source. You will be the first party to use this exact set of data.
They Could Use Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data
Quantitative data comes in the form of numbers, quantities and values. It describes things in concrete and easily measurable terms. Examples include the number of customers who bought a given product, the rating a customer gave a product out of five stars and the amount of time a visitor spent on your website.
Why Should I Track Users Data:
To ensure it's going smoothly, it's important to keep track of data that directly correlates to the potential success of your business. Key performance and financial metrics can help you address any problems with your business before they occur
Answer: Option 'B'
Explanation: They will be referred to as a manufacturing company because of they make the necessary part themselves not buy it from somewhere else.
Cloud computing allows for large chunks of data to be stored in data centers with owners having the ability to access stored information from any devices or location using their login credentials ensuring information are safe, secure and available over a an infinitely long period of time.
- Sustainability involves keeping hold of something over a very long period of time.
- When data or information are saved on online data centers which is made possible by cloud computing. Cloud computing ensures that data isn't saved on an individual's personal memory storage such as local hard drive or memory Cards where it could be lost at anytime.
- Data is stored online in data centers where it can be accessed over a very long period of time.
Therefore, the ability to get hold of time long information is an essential and important sustainability benefit offered by cloud computing.
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Written on the boat capacity plate that is important for every captain or owner must be knowledgeable about is the maximum allowable total weight and number of passengers. This is to avoid untoward accident due to over capacity and a ticket for unsafe operation by law enforcements.
This valve is necessary for optimizing front-to-rear bias, also referred to as brake balance. It is a spring-loaded component that activates when fluid pressure builds when you step on the brake pedal. Then, the valve's plunger unseats and fluid rushes into the calibrated range.