Use the rules of inference to prove the conclusion r given (all 1,2,3 and 4) the four premises listed below. Write your solution
as a numbered sequence of statements. Identify each statement as either a premise, or a conclusion that follows according to a rule of inference from previous statements, or it is equivalent to a previous statement by the rules of logical equivalences. You should give the rule used by name and refer by number to the previous statement(s) that the rule was applied to. a. p +- (premise)
b. p Vu (premise)
c. q (premise)
d. ((r Λ t) V p) V-u (premise)
Jay walks 2 1/4 miles which if you double it so the denominators are e same for both 2 1/4 and 1 1/8 then your answer will be 18/8 (Jay) and 9/8 (Reggie). Meaning that Reggie walks have the distance Jay walks.
we know thw white horses and how many there are but we dont know how many black ones so u take the number of white horses and subtart it from the total and get the number of black horses