The space enclosed by the inner membrane is called the matrix in mitochondria and the stroma in chloroplasts. Both spaces are filled with a fluid containing a rich mixture of metabolic products, enzymes, and ions.
Receiving sensory information and carrying commands to the muscles.
The spinal cord serves as the transmission conduit for the passage of action potential as sensory information through the sensory/afferent neurons to the dorsal roots of the spinal cord.The information synapse with the inter neurons,branching off to the brain and emerged as the response through the motor/efferent neurons to the effectors(muscles).
This pathways is called reflex arc. Thus most of the involuntary action of the body is conducted through the spinal cord
Animals only is the correct answer
Hope this helps you
Crown me as brainliest:)
Rabbit ear size tends to decrease as latitude increases. this is an example of a cline
A cline can be described as a change of the biological trait of a species across its geographical range. A cline can be genetic for example, change in the allele frequency, or phenotypic (change in body size). The change can be shown as continuous gradation, or it can be more abrupt from one geographic region to the next.