11)El ciclo del agua, conocido científicamente como ciclo hidrológico, se refiere al intercambio continuo de agua en la hidrosfera, entre la atmósfera, el agua del suelo, la superficie, el agua subterránea y las plantas. La ciencia que estudia el ciclo hidrológico es la hidrología.
12)Sabems que las etapas del ciclo hidrológico son las siguientes:
Las implicaciones que tienen para la vida cada una de las etapas son:
Evaporación, se reduce el nivel de los ríos, los lagos pequeños se seca, y se eleva la temperatura del ambiente.
Condensación, Es el proceso en el cual se forman las nubes, por lo que la luz solar disminuye.
Precipitación, produce nuevamente el aumento de los niveles de rios y lagos, y la disminución de la temperatura.
Due to the earth spherical shape, different latitudes of the planet receive varying solar energy levels from the sun. This is due to the differences in how the sun rays hit the earth surfaces and differences in the length of atmosphere the rays have to travel before they reach the earth's surface.
The equatorial regions get the most energy levels from the sun hence their atmosphere gets heated faster and the hottest. The air mass in this latitude, therefore, gets less fast dense and begins to rise. The cooler and denser air mass from the poles rushes in, through the lower atmosphere, to replace the void of the rising air.
When this air mass also gets heated, it too begins to rise. Remember the initial air mass cooled as it rose into the upper atmosphere. This now makes it denser than the air mas below it. As the hotter air mass begins to rise from below it pushes the cooler air mass above laterally. After the lateral movement, the air mass begins to sink slowly as it moves towards the poles because the incoming air mass gets denser than the local air mass.
The lateral movement of the convection current moving to the north is deflected to the north-west due to the Coriolis effect of the earth rotation while the lateral movement of the convection current moving south is deflected to the south-west. These pockets of convection currents are called Hadley cells.
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An Enhancer
Enhancers are the regulatory sequences and are generally located 80-160 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. Enhancers have bidirectional elements that are involved in the initiation of transcription. Enhancers serve as the binding sites for activators to increase the concentration of activators in the vicinity of the promoter and thereby increase the rate of transcription of the gene.
According to the given information, the loss of a regulatory sequence led to a reduced level of transcription of the gene. This means that the regulatory sequence was involved in the upregulation of transcription. The presence of the sequence far away from the promoter makes it an enhancer.
A threshold level depolarization.
In a neuron, the action potential threshold is known as the point of depolarization where the neuron fires, when the neuron reaches a point, it will fire and if it does not reach the point of depolarization, it will not fire and it helps to transmit the information to another neuron.
A neuron transmits the information with the help of electric impulses which are sent through its axon. When a neuron in an inactive phase, more +ve charged ions recline outside the axon membrane. In the process of stimulation, the axon membrane admits more Na+ ions and providing the neuron more +ve charge.