the surrounding ecosystem is nearly or completely destroyed this changes the physical and biological components of the system by killing any biological life and reshaping all structures with magma. this will affect the population by killing anything living haunting life for centuries until new life can start to form such as lichens to break down the hardened rocks nutrients into soil for life
The fact of many different things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people
Diversity definition, the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion
The carrying capacity in the container when compare to the
yeast population at hour 16, it has reached carrying capacity however the waste
produced by the yeast has begun to damage or kill the yeast cells. It will
reach its maximum and will slowly begin to drop off after the point.
ATP, water and carbon dioxide are produced.
Natural selection can be described as a phenomenon in which individuals of a population which are better adapted to survive in an environment are favored by nature as compared to the individuals of the population which lack better characteristics to survive in the environment.
Through natural selection, evolution occurs and the allelic frequency changes over a period of time. The process of evolution as well as change in the allelic frequencies does not occur just by a single individual, rather it is a collective effort which takes a lot of time. Hence, we say that natural selection changes the population and not a single individual.