3. the price of solar panels decreases and the quantity increases.
An increase in supplies results in reduced prices. As per the law of supply and demand, an increase in supply while holding the demand contact results in a decrease in price. Increase supply causes downward movements along the supply curve, pushing the prices lower. There will be many solar panels available in the market competing with for few buyers.
An increase in supplies means an increase in the quantities available in the markets. Buyers will have a large selection of solar panels to choose from.
The things that are most important to you are your top priorities
Its good but u could use a chicken or turkey instead of the wolf if its for a restaurant and maybe come up with a slogan which fits like satisfying hunger aprt frm that it looks good
Here is the answer!
You are working as a communication specialist for BMW which is releasing a new luxury car in March 2021. BMW have already carried out a market survey and have already determined the price of the product and the targeted audience.
You are working as a communication specialist for BMW which is releasing a new luxury car in March 2021. BMW have already carried out a market survey and have already determined the price of the product and the targeted audience. Now that your company have to start a sale campaign, you have been asked to elaborate with your team the communication strategy for conducting this campaign during spring and summer (From March to August). Write your strategy in almost five pages