Anorexia Nervosa is potentially a life-threatening disorder where patients suffering from it mimic starvation but can't eat enough food.
This disorder is marked by dangerously low body weight and patients with this disorder have a fear of gaining weight or appearing fat.
The symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa include extreme weight loss, not meeting developmental growth milestones, inability to sleep, and feeling faint.
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The method can be used to measure the body composition with the scale and measuring tape is by using BMI, circumference of waist and the ratio of waist to hip.
Through the process of BMI, one can measure the body composition with respect to the person's weight and height. One can measure the waist circumference by using the measuring tape to measure the body fat in the waist. Through the method of waist to hip ratio, one can measure the size and the mass from the waist to his/her hip. By this way, one can easily measure their body composition and it is the simplest way of determining one's Body Mass Index.
Pulmonary tuberculosis. It is a disease caused by a resistant acid bacterium and weight loss, persistent chronic cough and night sweats are characteristic of its symptoms. In addition to these discomforts, they will present hemotipsis, that is, the presence of blood in the sputum. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of spots in the lungs and positive sputum and culture tests for the presence of AFB (Acid- Fast Bacilli).