an adaptation can be defined as an inherited trait which confers an evolutionary advantage to the organism in a certain environment
An adaptation, also known as an evolutionary adaptation, can be defined as any physiological and/or morphological inherited trait related to the improved evolutionary fitness of one organism in a particular environment. An adaptation improves the chances of survival and reproduction in a certain environment, thereby organisms carrying the adaptation have more chances to produce descendants and pass their genes to the next generation. Some classical examples of evolutionary adaptations include the long necks of giraffes that help them to eat leaves at the top of trees, light bones of flying birds, etc.
Answer: Estivation
Non-mammalian animals that cannot maintain their body temperature by its own. They need to adapt certain phenomenon to survive in the existing conditions.
The animals in the desert like snakes, reptiles, North American tortoise, also maintain their body temperature and maintain an adequate amount of water inside the body.
The animals in the desert do not move out during the daytime in order to conserve water and energy.
This phenomenon is season and is known as estivation.
there is a good and bad effect on the world, the positive reason being economically. smoking is a great money maker it was worth US$88 billion dollars in 2018. the negative reason is the pollution and what it does to the human body such as cancer
It is most likely a flesh wound
A flesh wound is a wound that breaks the skin and may cause bleeding, but doesn't puncture any internal organs or bones.
<h3>Cancer: mitosis out of control</h3>
<h3>Mitosis is closely controlled by the genes inside every cell. Sometimes this control can go wrong. If that happens in just a single cell, it can replicate itself to make new cells that are also out of control. These are cancer cells.</h3>