I think it's the first one: the red fox that inhabits farmlands and forests has a red coat, but it's relative, the kit fox, lives in a desert has a sandy-colored coat
The kind of knowledge that Rhonda used in the situation above is TACIT KNOWLEDGE. Tacit knowledge is not learned, it an inborn type of knowledge that helps one to understand and relate with other people as needed. Tacit knowledge usually have its foundation in one's belief, culture, value, mental models, skills, etc.
24 million years
There are 6 base pair changes between species A and species B. Since we know the rate of change is 1 base pair every 4 million years, we know 6x 4 million is likely how long ago the species diverged. 6x 4 million = 24 million years
The first image is the answer.
It acts like a product. Think before actually putting this down but i think this is it.