A rip sighn if there is one and and ok sighn cause in his life he did a great job
There are <u>many</u>(2) <u>definitions</u> for the word consolation.
1.) <em>Consolation</em> - the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.
2.) <em>Consolation</em> - (in sports) a round or contest for tournament entrants who have been eliminated before the finals, often to determine third and fourth place.
Nothing really changed about Mama. She just had to be strong for Esperanza because the dad died.
-Good moring, <u>how can I help you?</u>
-I'd like to <u>make an appointment</u> with the doctor please
-Ok, <u>how about today,</u> at 7' o clock
-I'm afraid I can't. <u>Is it possible</u> to see him an hour later
-Yes,<u> that's ok.</u>
2nd paragraph:
-Hey Vicky. What happened to you?
-I fell of my bike and hurt my leg. <u>What should I do?</u>
-<u>First of all,</u> stay calm. <u>Secondly,</u> put a bandage around it. Also you should put some ice on it and rest it for some days. If you <u>don't get better</u> soon, <u>you'd better go</u> to the hospital.
I underlined where I put in the words.