I Think it’s a b or d That’s The only Thing That I can Think of I hope This helps ya
Well this proves that all living things may be related.
For example, when our ancestors had kids, their kids had their DNA, when those kids had kids, they had some DNA from their grandparents and their parents. DNA is shared by reproduction.
Cells, tissue, organs, organ systems, organism.
After 1 year: 100,000,000 x 1.02 = 102,000,000
after 2 years: 102,000,000 x 1.02 = 104,040,000
after 3 years: 104,040,000 x 1.02 = 106,120,800
after 4 years: 106,120,800 x 1.02 = 108,243,216
and after 5 years: 108,243,216 x 1.02 = 110,408,080