The North produced 17 times more cotton and woolen textiles than the South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 times more pig iron, and 32 times more firearms. The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the south
the three accessory glands: the seminal vessicles, the bulbourrethhral gland, and the prostate
Renewable resources can become nonrenewable resources if they are used faster than they can be replenished. If the resource no longer exists, there is nothing to regenerate or be replenished. For example, if we cut down trees faster than we grow them, trees can become a nonrenewable resource because there are no trees to regenerate.
<u>40 seconds</u>
This is the answer for plato users.
They probably chose this over black since black absorbs he most heat, and if something like a power outage occurs during the hot summer, ya want to stay as cool as possible...this is just my idea.