As for other spacing, it's traditional to double space between the date and the salutation, double space after the salutation, and triple space for the signature. However, it's fine to only double space after the date, especially if doing so will save the letter from running on to a second page.
Based on the scenario being described, the most likely cause of the problem is a bad diffuser. This is a component found in nearly every type of LCD backlit displays and are used to produce an even array of lighting across the entire display. If this component fails then it will cause bright spots and dim spots throughout the display, similar to what the client is reporting in this scenario since the light is not being evenly distributed.
I dont really understand what you want to do but im gonna answer it as if I understood it.
If x is 10 and y is 20 then y is larger than x
Answer: The DBMS is a software system that explains the four types of actions, which are defining, constructing, manipulating, and sharing databases among various users and applications.
"Connection Refused"
This is the error message that is returned when the server is not listening on the correct port, or the server is offline.