Machu pich, Cuzco, Chan Chan, Lake titicaca
This is Dodd-Frank Act
This Act carries a whistleblowing assistance to inspire those with authentic data and evidence about security violations to report them to the government wherein whistleblowers will receive a monetary prize.
Dodd-Frank formed the CFPB or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to safeguard the consumers from huge, unsupervised banks and merge the consumer security responsibilities. It also works with officials in large banks to avoid dangerous business methods that eventually hurt consumers. This control provides access to consumers a precise information about loans and credit scores.
Intuitive decision making
Intuitive decision making is a kind of decision making method that uses the least rationality and is usually based on past experiences. It is more of unconscious decision making and works outside of conscious thoughts, however it doesn't always contradict rational decision but can somehow complement it. Albeit influenced by emotions, experience has shown intuitive decision making works most of the time. It does not however eliminate the need of rational decision making.
The answer is a.THE VETO ..for only the president can veto a bill
The Iliad and the Odyssey allowed to the people of the ancient Greek to learn history (because those stories apparently told about the heroes and the wars that occurred), theology (telling about all the gods they had like real beings), geography (because isles and kingdoms mentioned there, real or not, could give to the people a certain sense about the world) and the oral tradition, because their stories were passed generation after generation until our days.
<u>The Iliad and the Odyssey tell the stories of Achilles and Odysseus respectively, their dreams, their errors and how they, being guided by the gods, could overcome the difficulties and reach their objectives, those stories gave to the Greeks the knowledge about many sciences</u>, these real or not, allowed them to know the world that was out Greece and that many of them couldn't see in their lives.